Bahram Tarvirdizadeh

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-20

Bahram Tarvirdizadeh

College of Interdisciplinary Science and Technologies / دانشكده سامانه هاي هوشمند (مهندسي مكاترونيك)

Journal Paper

  1. "Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring using PPG signals with various deep learning models and implementation using TinyML"
    Mahdi Zeynali, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 15, No 581, 2025
  2. "Neural network models for predicting vascular age from PPG signals: A comparative study"
    Kiana Pilevar abrisham, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    IET Wireless Sensor Systems, Vol. -, 2024
  3. "A Novel Ungrounded Haptic Device for Generation and Orientation of Force and Torque Feedbacks"
    Keyvan Arezoo, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Jamal Arezoo
    IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. -, 2024
  4. "LSTM-based real-time stress detection using PPG signals on raspberry Pi"
    Amin Rostami, Koorosh Motaman, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    IET Wireless Sensor Systems, Vol. 14, No 6, 2024
  5. "Collaborative Autonomous Navigation of Quadrotors in Unknown Outdoor Environments: An Active Visual SLAM Approach"
    Samaneh Elahian, Mohammad-ali Amiri Atashgah, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp.147115-147128, 2024
  6. "Deep learning approaches for assessing pediatric sleep apnea severity through SpO2 signals"
    Erfan Mortazavi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, No 1, 2024
  7. "Simultaneous position and force control of a SMA-actuated continuum robotic module"
    Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Hourieh Shamshirgaran, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
  8. "Advancing PPG-based cf-PWV estimation with an integrated CNN-BiLSTM-Attention model"
    Kiana Pilevar abrisham, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    Signal Image and Video Processing, Vol. 18, pp.8621-8633, 2024
  9. "Control of Aerial Robots using Convex QP LMPC and Learning-based Explicit-MPC"
    Mohammad Amin Najafqolian, Khalil Alipour, Roujin Mousavifard, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 20, No 9, 2024
  10. "Real-Time Stress Detection from Raw Noisy PPG Signals Using LSTM Model Leveraging TinyML"
    Amin Rostami, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
  11. "Design and fabrication of a soft wearable robot using a novel pleated fabric pneumatic artificial muscle (pfPAM) to assist walking"
    Pedram Babaei Banyarani, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
  12. "Dynamics modeling and path following controller of tractor-trailer-wheeled robots considering wheels slip"
    Arsalan Babaei, Keyvan Arezoo, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    ISA TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 148, pp.45-63, 2024
  13. "Building a less intimidating cycling environment for women: A structural equation modeling analysis based on a VR-based laboratory experiment"
    Navid Khademi, Mohammadamin Naeinizadeh, Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Arian Behmanesh, Ali Ekramifard, Krisada Chaiyasarn, Zuduo Zheng, Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Hossein Azarmi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
  14. "Modeling and control of robotic manipulators equipped with the flexible cable-pulley based gravity compensation mechanism"
    Keyvan Arezoo, Jamal Arezoo, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL, Vol. 30, No 13, pp.11-34, 2023
    Samaneh Elahian, Mohammad-ali Amiri Atashgah, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    Aviation, Vol. 27, No 1, pp.36-46, 2023
  16. "RBF neural network-based admittance PD control for knee rehabilitation robot"
    Karam Almaghout, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    ROBOTICA, Vol. 40, No 12, 2022
  17. "Formation control of multiple wheeled mobile robots based on model predictive control"
    Najla Nfaileh, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    ROBOTICA, Vol. 40, No 9, pp.1-36, 2022
  18. "A motion model based on recurrent neural networks for visual object tracking"
    Mohammad Shahbazi, Mohammad Hosein Bayat, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING, Vol. 126, No 10, pp.21-32, 2022
  19. "Simplified U-Net as a deep learning intelligent medical assistive tool in glaucoma detection"
    Amir Hossein Panahi, Reza Askari Moghadam, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Kurosh Madani
  20. "Dataset for classifying and estimating the position, orientation, and dimensions of a list of primitive objects"
    Alireza Makki, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mehdi Teimouri
    BMC RESEARCH NOTES, Vol. 15, No 1, 2022
  21. "Theoretical and experimental evaluation of small flow rate ultrasonic flowmeter"
    Seyed hossein Roshanaei, Reza Askari Moghadam, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Negar Riahi
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 44, No 8, 2022
  22. "Development of Vision-Based Human Tracking for Drone’s Gimbal"
    Mohammad Hossein Bayat, Mohammad Shahbazi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
  23. "Falling Analysis and Examination of Different Novel Strategies for Preserving the Postural Stability of a User Wearing ASR-EXO during Stair Climbing"
    Danial Borooghani, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
  24. "A numerical algorithm to find optimum parameters of a flexible-link manipulator arm for performing payload launching"
    Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS, Vol. ahead-of-print, 2021
  25. "Control of Nonholonomic Electrically-Driven Tractor-Trailer Wheeled Robots based on Adaptive Partial Linearization"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Sotirios Spanogianopoulos
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBATICS (theory and applications), Vol. 6, No 1, 2021
  26. "Design and control of a lower limb rehabilitation robot considering undesirable torques of the patient’s limb"
    Karam Almaghout, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
  27. "A full-state trajectory tracking controller for tractor-trailer wheeled mobile robots"
    Pouya Kassaeiyan, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, Vol. 150, No 103872, 2020
  28. "A kinematic Lyapunov-based controller to posture stabilization of wheeled mobile robots"
    Pouya Panahandeh, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
  29. "Near-Time-Optimal Motion Control for Flexible-Link Systems Using Absolute Nodal Coordinates Formulation"
    Hamid Ghorbani, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, Vol. 140, No 10, 2019
  30. "A Self-Tuning Trajectory Tracking Controller for Wheeled Mobile Robots"
    Pouya Panahandeh, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Application, Vol. 46, No 6, 2019
  31. "Fabrication of a portable device for stress monitoring using wearable sensors and soft computing algorithms"
    Alireza Golgouneh, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
  32. "Dynamics modeling and sliding mode control of tractor-trailer wheeled mobile robots subject to wheels slip"
    Khalil Alipour, Arsalan Babaei, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, Vol. 138, No 8, pp.16-37, 2019
  33. "Control of tractor-trailer wheeled robots considering self-collision effect and actuator saturation limitations"
    Pouya Kassaeiyan, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 127, No 14, pp.388-411, 2019
  34. "Design and Fabrication of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton to Assist in Stair Ascending"
    Payman Joudzadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Danial Borooghani, Khalil Alipour
    Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Application, Vol. 46, No 2, pp.290-299, 2019
  35. "Fuzzy Motion Control for Wheeled Mobile Robots in Real-Time"
    Mohammad Hossein Falsafi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 8, No 2, pp.133-144, 2018
  36. "Numerical investigation of Gurney flap influences on aerodynamic performance of a pitching airfoil in low Reynolds number flow"
    Alireza Naderi, Alireza Beiki, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
  37. "A novel online method for identifying motion artifact and photoplethysmography signal reconstruction using artificial neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Golgouneh, Farzam Tajdari, Erfan Khodabakhshi
    NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, Vol. 31, No 6, pp.21-38, 2018
  38. "Comparison of various input shaping methods in rest-to-rest motion of the end-effecter of a rigid-flexible robotic system with large deformations capability"
    Hamid Ghorbani, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 118, No 2, pp.584-602, 2018
  39. "Tracking-Error Fuzzy-Based Control for Nonholonomic Wheeled Robots"
    Mohammad Hossein Falsafi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
  40. "Precise position control of shape memory alloy–actuated continuum modules through fuzzy algorithm"
    Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Hossein Akbari, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
  41. "Dynamical Formation Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots based on Fuzzy Logic"
    Khalil Alipour, Mojtaba Ghiasvand, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.79-91, 2017
  42. "On the capability of wheeled mobile robots for heavy object manipulation considering dynamic stability constraints"
    Khalil Alipour, Parisa Daemi, Arman Hasanpour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS, Vol. 41, No 2, pp.101-123, 2017
  43. "Kinematic effects of number of legs in 6-DOF UPS parallel mechanisms"
    Mohammad H. Abedinnasab, Farzam Farahmand, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Hassan Zohoor, Jaime Gallardo-alvarado
    ROBOTICA, Vol. 35, No 12, pp.2257-2277, 2017
  44. "An algorithm for dynamic object manipulation by a flexible link robot"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS, Vol. 33, No 5, pp.1508-1529, 2016
  45. "Developing a novel continuum module actuated by shape memory alloys"
    Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Hossein Akbari, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, Vol. 243, No 1, pp.90-102, 2016
  46. "Planning and Control of Two-Link Rigid Flexible Manipulators in Dynamic Object Manipulation"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBATICS (theory and applications), Vol. 4, No 3, pp.35-45, 2016
  47. "An efficient numerical and experimental system identification approach for a flexible manipulator"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Esmaeel Khanmirza, Morteza Ebrahimi, Ahmad Kalhor, Shidvash Vakilipour
    ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS, Vol. 32, No 8, pp.2467-2490, 2015
  48. "Development of a Robust Observer for General Form Nonlinear System: Theory, Design and Implementation"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Aghil Yousefi Koma, Esmaeel Khanmirza
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBATICS (theory and applications), Vol. 4, No 2, pp.36-47, 2015
  49. "A TS Fuzzy Model Derived from a Typical Multi-Layer Perceptron"
    Ahmad Kalhor, Babak Nadjar Araabi, Caro Lucas, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS, Vol. 12, No 2, pp.1-21, 2015
  50. "Robust Control of Flapping-Wing in Micro Aerial Vehicle to have a Smooth Flapping Motion"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Esmaeel Khanmirza, Aghil Yousefi Koma
    GSTF JOURNAL ON Aviation Technology (JAT), Vol. 1, No 1, pp.30-37, 2014
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Aghil Yousefi Koma
  52. "Design, Construction and Control of a Motion Generating Mechanism for an Interactive Cycling Simulator"
    Mohammad Javad Mehrsoroush, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Keyvan Arezoo
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 21, No 12, pp.859-872, 2021
  53. "Design and Manufacture of an Intelligent Prosthetic Ankle-foot for Walking and Running Modes via Optimization of Power and Energy Consumption"
    Farhad Rajaei, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Hosseian Valian Holagh
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 21, No 6, pp.353-365, 2021
  54. "Development of a Mechatronics System to Real-Time Stress Detection Based on Physiological Signals"
    Alireza Golgouneh, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    Processing of signs and data, Vol. 15, No 3, pp.74-59, 2018
  55. "Indoor localization based on scattering matrix and wireless sensor network to make smart parking"
    سیدمحمدرفیع امامی میبدی, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Hamidreza Memarzadeh Tehran
    Journal of quality engineering and management, Vol. 7, No 4, 2018
  56. "Trajectory tracking of a tractor-trailer robot using model predictive control"
    Arsalan Babaei, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Nafise Mohamadian Aftah
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 17, No 12, pp.1-10, 2018
  57. "Control of knee rehabilitation robot based on combination of backstepping and admittance algorithms"
    Farhad Yousefi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 16, No 12, pp.135-143, 2017
  58. "Using Statistical and Artificial Intelligence Approach to Predict the Exhaust Gas Temperature of a Micro Gas Turbine Engine"
    Rozbeh Riazi, Eman Kolini, Shidvash Vakilipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Hadi Veisi, Hadi Zare
    space technology and Knowledge, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.77-94, 2016
  59. "A Comparison of Two Online Tip-over Prevention Algorithms for Wheeled Mobile Manipulators"
    Arman Hasanpour, Khalil Alipour, Parisa Daemi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 14, No 14, pp.271-281, 2014

Conference Paper

  1. "Machine Learning based Multiple Impedance Control of a Space Free-Flying Robot"
    Amirhossein Safdari, Payam Zarafshan, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Gu Fang
    12th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2024
  2. "Monitoring of Four Vital Signs Using Video Processing Based on Machine and Deep Learning Approaches: A Review"
    Alaa Hajr, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    12th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2024
  3. "Consensus Sliding Mode Control for Multi-Agent Systems Considering Communication Delays and Uncertainties"
    Rayeheh Niroomanesh, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    12th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2024
  4. "Path Following of a Tractor-Trailer System via Dynamic Extension in Forward and Backward Motion"
    Mohammad Olyai, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    12th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2024
  5. "Dynamic Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Strategies for Achieving Nash Equilibrium in Graphical Games with Communication Challenges"
    Armin Javadi, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Amin Najafqolian, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    12th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2024
  6. "Estimating Blood Glucose Levels Using PPG Signals: A Deep Learning Approach with Diverse Patient Profiles"
    Mahdi Zeynali, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    9th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), 2024
  7. "Trajectory Tracking of Tractor-Trailer Wheeled Mobile Robots via Dynamic Feedback Linearization in Forward and Backward Motion"
    Mohammad Olyai, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Majid Sorouri, Mohammad Ghamari
    10th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation, 2024
  8. "Deep Learning-Based Estimation of Arterial Stiffness from PPG Spectrograms: A Novel Approach for NonInvasive Cardiovascular Diagnostics"
    Kiana Pilevar Abrisham, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2024
  9. "Real-Time Stress Detection via Photoplethysmogram Signals: Implementation of a Combined Continuous Wavelet Transform and Convolutional Neural Network on Resource-Constrained Microcontrollers Abstract—This paper introduces a robust stress detection system utilizing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) designed for the analysis of Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals. Employing the WESAD dataset, we app"
    Yasin Hasanpoor, Amin Rostami, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    32nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2024
  10. "Noninvasive Blood Pressure Classification Based on Photoplethysmography Using Machine Learning Techniques"
    Hanieh Mohammadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    32nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2024
  11. "Wavelet-Based Analysis of Photoplethysmogram for Stress Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks"
    Yasin Hasanpoor, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    The 11th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2023), 2023
  12. "Predicting Vascular Age using PPG Signals and Machine Learning Algorithms: A Non-Invasive Approach for Early Cardiovascular Risk Detection"
    Kiana Pilevar Abrisham, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    The 11th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2023), 2023
  13. "Vascular Age Prediction with PPG-Based LSTM Model"
    Kiana Pilevar abrisham, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    The 9th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA2023), 2023
  14. "Assessing Pediatric Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Severity: Analyzing SpO2 Signals Spectrograms with Inception V3 Model"
    Erfan Mortazavi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    The 9th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA2023), 2023
  15. "Continuous Wavelet Transformation and VGG16 Deep Neural Network for Stress Classification in PPG Signals"
    Yasin Hasanpoor, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    The 9th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA2023), 2023
  16. "Blood Pressure Estimation through Photoplethysmography and Machine Learning Models"
    Hanieh Mohammadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    The 9th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA2023), 2023
  17. "Aerial Robotics in Urban Environments: Optimized Path Planning and SITL Assessments"
    Seyyed-Ahmad Abtahi, Mohammad-ali Amiri Atashgah, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Shahbazi
    The 11th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2023), 2023
  18. "Stress Detection Using PPG Signal and Combined Deep CNN-MLP Network"
    Yasin Hasanpoor, Koorosh Motaman, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    7th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 2022
  19. "Effect of Novel Postural Stability Strategies on Lower Body Joint Forces during Stair Climbing with ASR-EXO"
    Danial Borooghani, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The RSI 10th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2022
  20. "Formation Control of Multiple Aerial Robots Using LSTM-based Model Predictive Control"
    Mohammad Amin Najafqolian, Khalil Alipour, Roujin Mousavifard, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The RSI 10th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2022
  21. "A Stress Detection Model Based on LSTM Network Using Solely Raw PPG Signals"
    Koorosh Motaman, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mohammad Ghamari
    The RSI 10th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2022
  22. "Stress Assessment with Convolutional Neural Network Using PPG Signals"
    Yasin Hasanpoor, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Mohammad Ghamari
    The RSI 10th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2022
  23. "Improving Position Control and Energy Consumption of a Two Degrees of Freedom Robotic Module Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy Springs"
    Erfan Sheikhkarani, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The annual conference of smart materials and structures, 2022
  24. "Improvement of Bending Movements in a Pneumatically Actuated Smart Robotic Muscle Using Shape Memory Alloy"
    Mohammad Navid Golchin, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Sajjad Saadat, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    The annual conference of smart materials and structures, 2022
  25. "POPDNet: Primitive Object Pose Detection Network Based on Voxel Data with Three Cartesian Channels"
    Alireza Makki, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mehdi Teimouri
    the Seventh Iranian Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS) 2021., 2021
  26. "Design, Fabrication and Control of a Handheld Force-Feedback Device"
    Keyvan Arezoo, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Jamal Arezoo
    The 9th International Conference of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2021
  27. "Modeling and control of robotic manipulators with rigid and flexible cables"
    Jamal Arezoo, Keyvan Arezoo, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    The 9th International Conference of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2021
  28. "Model Predictive Formation Control for Multi-Wheeled Mobile Robots"
    Najla Nfaileh, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    The 9th International Conference of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2021
  29. "Development of A New Soft Robotic Module Using Compressed Air and Shape Memory Alloys"
    Mohammad Navid Golchin, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The RSI 10th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2021
  30. "Trigger Collecting Grasping Dataset Based on a Grasping Pose Detection Method for a Dedicated Dexterous Gripper"
    Alireza Makki, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Mehdi Teimouri
    The RSI 10th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2021
  31. "Control of Nonholonomic Electrically-Driven Tractor-Trailer Wheeled Robots based on Adaptive Partial Linearization"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Sotirios Spanogianopoulos, Khalil Alipour
    The 6th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM 2018), 2018
  32. "An Assessment of a Similarity between the Right and Left Hand Photoplethysmography Signals, using Time and Frequency Features of Heart-rate-variability Signal"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Golgouneh, Erfan Khodabakhshi, Farzam Tajdari
    2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), 2017
  33. "Fuzzy Position Control of Continuum Modules Actuated by Shape Memory Alloys"
    Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Hossein Akbari, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 5th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM 2017), 2017
  34. "Design and Implementation of a Cable Driven Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Stair Climbing"
    Payman Joudzadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 5th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM 2017), 2017
  35. "Design and Prototyping A New Add-On Module to Increase Traction Force of A Wheeled Sewer Inspection Robot"
    Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Morteza Abdollahi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 5th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM 2017), 2017
  36. "Learning a model-free robotic continuous state-action task through contractive Q-network"
    Mohammadjavad Davari, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    25th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2017
  37. "Knee Rehabilitation Robot Control by Sliding-Backstepping and Admittance Control"
    Farhad Yousefi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    The 7th joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Robotics and the 9th RoboCupIranOpen International Symposium(RoboCupIranOpen 2017), 2017
  38. "Design of a New, Light and Portable Mechanism for Knee CPM Machine with a User-Friendly Interface"
    Alireza Golgouneh, Farzam Tajdari, Arshia Bamshad, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 6th joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Robitics and the 8th RoboCup IranOpen International Symposium, 2016
  39. "Trajectory Optimization of Two-Link Rigid Flexible Manipulators in Dynamic Object Manipulation Missions"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    The 3rd RSI International Conference on Robotics & Mechatronics, 2015
  40. "Best Parameters of Flexible Link Manipulator Systems for Dynamic Object Manipulation Execution"
    Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 3rd RSI International Conference on Robotics & Mechatronics, 2015
  41. "Neural Network based Dynamic Object Manipulation by a Flexible Link Robot"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    The 23rd Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2015
  42. "Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Dynamical systems"
    Aghil Yousefi Koma, Esmaeel Khanmirza, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 2011
  43. "Development and Convergence Approve of a Robust Nonlinear Sliding Mode Observer for General Form of Nonlinear Systems"
    Aghil Yousefi Koma, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Esmaeel Khanmirza
    19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 2011
  44. "Modeling and Dynamical Analysis of a Flexible Arm and Object Interaction in Impact"
    Aghil Yousefi Koma, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, اسماعیل خان میرزادانشجو
    17th Annual (International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2009
  45. "Integrated Controller Design for Hybrid Dynamical Systems"
    Aghil Yousefi Koma, اسماعیل خان میرزادانشجو, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    17th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2009
  46. "Modeling and Dynamical analysis of a Fexible Arm and an Object Interaction in Capture Phase"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Aghil Yousefi Koma, اسماعیل خان میرزادانشجو
    16th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2008
  47. "An Analytical Model of a Flopping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle"
    Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Aghil Yousefi Koma, اسماعیل خان میرزادانشجو, حسام ملکیدانشجو
    8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, 2006
  48. "A Mathematical Model for a Flapping Wing Micro Aerial Vehicle"
    Aghil Yousefi Koma, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, اسماعیل خان میرزادانشجو, حسام ملکیدانشجو
    Proceedings of the 17t IASTED International Conference Modeling and Simulation, 2006
  49. "Robust Control of a Smart beam with Piezoelectric Actuators"
    اسماعیل خان میرزادانشجو, Aghil Yousefi Koma, ثمین اکبری دانشجو, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    14th Annual International Mechanical Engineering Conference, 2006
  50. "Analysis of factors on women's perceived security in using the bicycle travel mode: a laboratory study in a virtual reality environment"
    Mohammad amin Naeini zadeh labbaf, Sayna Firoozi Yeganeh, Navid Khademi, Ali Ekramifard, Mohammad Arbabpour Bidgoli, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    13th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2023
  51. "modeling and control of an spherical robot with application of interior pipe inspection"
    Fateme Akhlaghifard, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 31th Annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineers and the 9th Conference on Thermal Power Plants, 2023
  52. "Intelligent detection of sewer pipe defects using inspection robot and deep learning method"
    Hossein Roshandel, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 31th Annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineers and the 9th Conference on Thermal Power Plants, 2023
  53. "Design of compound predictive and PD controller for trajectory tracing of quadcopter"
    [] [], Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, محمد شهبازی
    The 8th international conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation, 2022
  54. "Development of A Vision Based Tracker On The Gimbal Mechanism Of The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle To Track Human"
    محمد حسین بیات, محمد شهبازی, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    The 19th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2021
  55. "Design of a stress detection system based on ARM processor"
    Alireza Golgouneh, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    25th Iranian conference on Electrical Engineering, 2017
  56. "Precise modeling of the very flexible link via absolute nodal coordinate and its solver developing"
    Hamid Qorbani, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour, Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi
    25th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2017
  57. "Fuzzy Trajectory Tracking Control of A Wheeled Mobile Robot"
    Mohammad Hossein Falsafi, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    16th Conf. on Fuzzy Systems and 14th Conf. on Intelligent Systems, 2017
  58. "Non-Model based Control of Tractor-Trailer Wheeled Robot"
    Pouya Kasaiyan, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Khalil Alipour
    16th Int. Conf. on Aerospace Engineering, 2017
  59. "Spherical Robots: An Overview of Design Methods and Control Approches"
    Nafise Mohamadian Aftah, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    16th Int. Conf. on Aerospace Engineering, 2017
  60. "the assessment of the correlation of the right hand photoplethysmography signals using statistical methods"
    Alireza Golgouneh, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh, Atefeh Shahrokhi
    Fourth National Conference and the Second International Conference on Applied Research in Electrical,Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2017
  61. "Analysing the functionality of an adding module in increasing sewer inspection robot traction when passing through obstacles"
    Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Morteza Abdollahi, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2016
  62. "Design of A Continuum Robotic Module with Shape Memory Alloy Actuators and Controllable Shape"
    Alireza Hadi Hosseinabadi, Hossein Akbari, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2016
  63. "Path Planning for A Two-Link Rigid-Flexible Robot in Point-to-Point Motion"
    Khalil Alipour, Hamid Qorbani, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    Fourth International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation, 2016
  64. "Gate Planing and Control of a Biped Robot"
    Vahid Mobinipour, Khalil Alipour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2015
  65. "Maximum Payload Carrying using a Planar Three-Link Manipulator Arm"
    Parisa Daemi, Khalil Alipour, Arman Hasanpour, Bahram Tarvirdizadeh
    23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2015