Mojtaba Tahani


Update: 2025-03-06

Mojtaba Tahani

College of Interdisciplinary Science and Technologies / دانشكده مهندسي هوافضا (آيروپيشرانش)

Journal Paper

  1. "Numerical parametric study of a Kaplan turbine incorporated with a sub runner considering analysis of hydraulic dissipation"
    A.H. Khoddami, Mojtaba Tahani, Fathollah Pourfayaz, Alireza Riasi, khalil Allah Sajadian
    Results in Engineering, Vol. 25, 2025
  2. "Aeroacoustic impact of triply periodic minimal surface porous casings on axial flow fans"
    Mostafa Mozafari, Mehran Masdari, Qiang Zhang, Mojtaba Tahani
    PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Vol. 37, No 1, 2025
  3. "Simulation of unsteady ice accretion on horizontal axis wind turbine blade sections in turbulent wind shear condition"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Amirhossein Hossein, Jiarong Hong
    PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Vol. 36, No 11, 2024
  4. "Data-driven discovery of turbulent flow equations using physics-informed neural networks"
    Shirindokht Yazdani, Mojtaba Tahani
    PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Vol. 36, No 2, 2024
  5. "Enhancement effect of multi-stage inducing duct on the wind velocity profile"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, mohammad amin Habibi, Hjklkl Hgff
    Scientia Iranica, Vol. 29, No 6, 2022
  6. "Energy and Economic Analyses of a New Ducted Small Wind Turbine"
    Hasanali Khojasteh, Younes Noorollahi, Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari
    Environmental Energy and Economic Research, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.1-18, 2022
  7. "Physics-informed neural networks for solving Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations"
    Hamidreza Eivazi, Mojtaba Tahani, Philipp Schlatter, Ricardo Vinuesa Motilva
    PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, Vol. 34, No 7, 2022
  8. "Numerical investigation on VIV energy harvesting enhancement with adding eccentricity to a circular cylinder"
    Zahra Babaey, Foad Moslem, Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani
    International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No 5, 2022
  9. "Efficiency Increase in Water Transmission Systems Using Optimized Selection of Parallel Pumps Running as Turbines"
    Ali Kandi, Mahdi Moghimi, Mojtaba Tahani, Shahram Derakhshan Houre
  10. "Power performance enhancement of vertical axis wind turbines by a novel gurney flap design1"
    Seyed milad Mousav, Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani
  11. "Aerodynamic ground effects on DLRF6 vehicle"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, Ali BARGESTAN
  12. "Investigation of laminar separation bubble over a supercritical airfoil in an incompressible flow"
    Massoud Tatar, Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani
  13. "Optimization of pump selection for running as turbine and performance analysis within the regulation schemes"
    Ali Kandi, Mahdi Moghimi, Mojtaba Tahani, Shahram Derakhshan Houre
    ENERGY, Vol. 217, No 1, 2021
  14. "Analysis of Turbulent Flow on Tidal Stream Turbine by RANS and BEM"
    Younes Noorollahi, Mohammad Javad Ziabakhsh Ganji, Mohammadmahdi Rezaei, Mojtaba Tahani
    CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES, Vol. 127, No 2, pp.515-532, 2021
  15. "Optimization of Power and Levelized Cost for Shrouded Small Wind Turbine"
    Hasanali Khojasteh, Younes Noorollahi, Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari
    Inventions, Vol. 5, No 4, 2020
  16. "Rotational speed variation assessment of centrifugal pump-as-turbine as an energy utilization device under water distribution network condition"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ali Kandi, Mahdi Moghimi, Shahram Derakhshan Houre
    ENERGY, Vol. 213, No 1, 2020
  17. "Analysis and prediction of gas turbine performance with evaporative cooling processes by developing a stage stacking algorithm"
    Mirhamed Salehi, Hamidreza Eivazi, Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari
  18. "Dynamic Stall of an Airfoil with Different Mounting Angle of Gurney Flap"
    Mehran Masdari, milad Mousavi, Mojtaba Tahani
  19. "Unsteady aerodynamic performance of Dual-Row H-Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Seyed Mohsen Razavi, Mojtaba Mirhosseini, Fatemeh Razi Astaraei, Saeede Mirmahdian
    Energy Equipment and Systems, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.55-80, 2020
  20. "Numerical analysis of a small ducted wind turbine for performance improvement"
    Younes Noorollahi, Sasan Ghanbari, Mojtaba Tahani
    International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.1-18, 2019
  21. "Dynamic mode decomposition analysis for Savonius wind turbine"
    Mohamad Hossein Naderi, Mojtaba Tahani, Vahid Esfahanian
    Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 11, No 6, 2019
  22. "Numerical simulation for obtaining optimal impeller’s blade parameters of a centrifugal pump for high-viscosity fluid pumping"
    Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi, Younes Noorollahi, Mojtaba Tahani, Roshanak Fahimi, Salman Saremian
  23. "Optimization of airfoil Based Savonius wind turbine using coupled discrete vortex method and salp swarm algorithm"
    Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Hossein Naderi, Narek Babayan
    JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, Vol. 222, No 1, pp.47-56, 2019
  24. "Wind shear effect on aerodynamic performance and energy production of horizontal axis wind turbines with developing blade element momentum theory"
    Ghazaleh Kavari, Mojtaba Tahani, Mojtaba Mirhosseini
    JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, Vol. 219, No 1, pp.368-376, 2019
  25. "Team Arrangement Heuristic Algorithm (TAHA): Theory and application"
    Narek Babayan, Mojtaba Tahani
  26. "Characteristics and internal flow of a low specific speed pump used as a turbine"
    Z H Lio, T Yukawa, K miyagawa, Roshanak Fahimi, Mojtaba Tahani
    IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 240, No 1, 2019
  27. "Different functionalized chord and twist distributions in aerodynamic design of HAWTs"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ghazaleh Kavari, Mojtaba Mirhosseini, Samira Ghiyasi
    Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, Vol. 10, No 2, 2019
  28. "Numerical study of boundary layer transition using intermittency model"
    Massoud Tatar, Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari
  29. "Modification of pump as turbine as a soft pressure reduction systems (SPRS) for utilization in municipal water network"
    Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi, Younes Noorollahi, Mojtaba Tahani, Roshanak Fahimi
    Energy Equipment and Systems, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.41-56, 2019
  30. "Surface Pressure Study of an Airfoil Undergoing Combined Pitch and Low-Amplitude Plunge Motions"
    Arshia Tabrizian, Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani
    Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 12, No 6, 2019
  31. "The Effects of Flow Separation on a Lambda wing Aerodynamics"
    Mehdi Dadkhah, Mehran Masdari, Mohammad Ali Vaziri, Mojtaba Tahani
  32. "Optimization of wet compression effect on the performance of V94.2 gas turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, Mirhamed Salehi, Nazanin Ahmadi
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 143, No 1, pp.955-963, 2018
  33. "Flow Regime Algorithm (FRA): a physics-based meta-heuristics algorithm"
    Narek Babayan, Mojtaba Tahani
    KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 18, No 3, pp.1-38, 2018
  34. "Application of nature inspired optimization algorithms in optimum positioning of pump-as-turbines in water distribution networks"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi, Younes Noorollahi, Roshanak Fahimi
    NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, Vol. 31, No 12, pp.1-10, 2018
  35. "Design of axisymmetric aerospike nozzle based on modified MOC"
    Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani, Fata Mohammadi fard
    Scientia Iranica, 2018
  36. "Optimum section selection procedure for horizontal axis tidal stream turbines"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan
    NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, Vol. 17, No 4, pp.1-13, 2017
  37. "Analysis of runway pavement response under aircraft moving load by FEM"
    Gholamali Shafabakhsh, Ehsan Kashi, Mojtaba Tahani
    Journal of Engineering Design and Technology, Vol. 16, No 2, pp.233-243, 2017
  38. "Aerodynamic performance improvement of a canard control missile"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, Mohsen Kazemi
  39. "Investigating the effect of geometrical parameters of an optimized wind turbine blade in turbulent flow"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Tomoki Maeda, Narek Babayan, Seyed Majid Mehrnia, Mehran Shadmehri, Q Li Q Li, Roshanak Fahimi, Mehran Masdari
    ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 153, No 1, pp.71-82, 2017
  40. "Performance optimization of centrifugal pump handling viscous oil by modification of impeller geometry"
    Amir Farhad Najafi, Mojtaba Tahani, Sepehr Govara, Majid Najafpour
    International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol. 44, No 5, pp.456-445, 2017
  41. "Assessment of Turbulence Models for Transonic Oscillating Airfoil"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, Mohamad Reza Eivazi, Massoud Tatar
  42. "Design and numerical investigation of Savonius wind turbine with discharge flow directing capability"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ali Rabbani, Alibakhsh Kasaeian, Mehdi Mehrpooya, Mojtaba Mirhosseini
    ENERGY, Vol. 130, No 1, pp.327-338, 2017
  43. "Aerodynamic design of horizontal axis wind turbine with innovative local linearization of chord and twist distributions"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ghazaleh Kavari, Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Mirhoseini
    ENERGY, Vol. 131, No 1, pp.78-91, 2017
  44. "Design and optimization of a PV-wind hybrid system with storage system by HOMER software, Case study: Tehran"
    Hadi Katouli, Ali Esmaili roozbahani, Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan
    Journal of Solar Energy Research, Vol. 21, No 1, 2017
  45. "Aerodynamic Performance Improvement of Wing-in-Ground Effect Aircraft"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, Ali Bargestan
  46. "A novel heuristic method for optimization of straight blade vertical axis wind turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Seyed Majid Mehrnia, Mehran Shadmehri
    ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 127, No 1, pp.461-476, 2016
  47. "Turbulent Jet in Crossflow Analysis with LES Approach"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Hojaji, Seyed Vahid Mahmodi Jezeh
  48. "Experimental evaluation and ANN modeling of thermal conductivity of graphene oxide nanoplatelets/deionized water nanofluid"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Vakili, Soheila Khosrojerdi
  49. "CFD modeling for flow field characterization and performance analysis of HGITVC"
    Mohammad Salehifar, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Hojaji, Arash Dartoomian
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 103, No 1, pp.291-304, 2016
  50. "Simulation of aeroelastic behavior in a composite wind turbine blade"
    Roham Rafiee, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Moradi
  51. "Aerodynamic Investigation of a Wind Turbine using CFD and Modified BEM Methods"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Moradi
    Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.107-111, 2015
  52. "Optimization of PV/Wind/Battery stand-alone system, using hybrid FPA/SA algorithm and CFD simulation, case study: Tehran"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Arman Pouiaey
    ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 106, No 1, pp.644-659, 2015
  53. "Multi objective optimization of horizontal axis tidal current turbines, using Meta heuristics algorithms"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Fatemeh Razi Astaraei, Ali Moghadam
    ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 103, No 1, pp.487-498, 2015
  54. "Assessment of Wind Energy Use to Store the Water for Generation Power with Two Stage Optimization Method"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Pouria Servati, Ahmad Hajinezhad, Younes Noorollahi, Emad Ziaei
    Journal of Renewable Energy and Environmental, Vol. 2, No 1, 2015
  55. "Comparative Numerical Study of Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of a Commercial HAWT Performance"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Hamid Hosseinzadegan, Mohsen Moradi
    Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.9-15, 2015
  56. "Optimization of a Renewable Hybrid System Including an Absorption Chiller, Fuel Cell and Solar Panel by Exergy Analysis"
    Noushin Enadi, Mojtaba Tahani, Pouria Ahmadi, Kiana Rahamni, Keyvan Keramati, Tahmineh Sokhansefat
    International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 1, No 1, 2015
  57. "Numerical Simulation of the Thermal Performance of a Nanofluid Filled Heat Pipe"
    Mohamad Hasan Shojaee Fard, Javad Zare, Mojtaba Tahani
    HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING, Vol. 36, No 17, 2015
  58. "Experimental Investigation for Prediction of Centrifugal Oil Pumps Efficiency"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Hasan Shojaeefard, Pouria Ahmadi
    Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.44-51, 2014
  59. "Optimization of fog inlet air cooling system for combined cycle power plants using genetic algorithm"
    Mehdi Ehyaei, Mojtaba Tahani, Pooria Ahmadi, Mohammad Esfandiari
  60. "A new method to calculate centrifugal pump performance parameters for industrial oils"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Behzad Salimiyan, Abolfazl Khalkhali, Mojtaba Tahani
    Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.1-15, 2014
  61. "Aerodynamic Optimal Design of Wind Turbine Blades using Genetic Algorithm"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Tahmineh Sokhansefat, Kiana Rahamni, Pooria Ahmadi
    Energy Equipment and Systems, Vol. 2, No 2, 2014
  62. "Modelling of Steam Injection Effects on Performance Parameters and NOx Emissions of a Gas Turbine"
    Reza Tirgar, Ali Momeny, Mohsen Motaharinezhad, Mojtaba Tahani
    Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Vol. 10, No 4, 2014
  63. "Numerical Investigation of Symmetrical Supersonic Inlet with Boundary Layer Suction"
    Mohammad Ali Sarmazadeh, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Motaharinezhad
    International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol. 41, No 3, pp.185-193, 2014
  64. "Cooled EGR in a Turbo Charged SI Engine to Reduce Knocking and Fuel Consumption"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Mahdi Etaghani, Mostafa Akbari
    Automotive Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No 3, pp.474-481, 2013
  65. "Application of Taguchi optimization technique in determining aluminum to brass friction stir welding parameters"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Abolfazl Khalkhali, Mostafa Akbari, Mojtaba Tahani
    MATERIALS & DESIGN, Vol. 3, No 52, pp.587-592, 2013
  66. "Numerical investigation of drag and heat reduction in hypersonic spiked blunt bodies"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Sadegh Karimi, Amir Mahmmudi Motlagh, Saeedeh Mirmahdiyan
    HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Vol. 49, No 10, pp.1369-1384, 2013
  67. "A parametric study for improving the centrifugal pump impeller for use in viscous fluid pumping"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Mojtaba Tahani, Abolfazl Khalkhali, Mirbuik Ehghaghi, Hadi Fallah, Mehdi Beglari
    HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Vol. 49, No 2, pp.197-206, 2013
  68. "Sensitivity Analysis of the Artificial Neural Network Outputs in Friction Stir Lap Joining of Aluminum to Brass"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Mostafa Akbari, Mojtaba Tahani, Foad Farahani
    Research Letters in Materials Science, Vol. 2013, No 2013, pp.1-7, 2013
  69. "A comprehensive study on waste heat recovery from internal combustion engines using organic Rankine cycle"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Saeid Jzavan, Mojtaba Biglari
    Thermal Science, Vol. 2, No 17, pp.611-624, 2013
  70. "Artificial Neural Network Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Mohamad Mahdi Etaghani, Mojtaba Tahani, Mostafa Akbari
    Automotive Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No 4, pp.206-215, 2012
  71. "Numerical investigation on effects of induced jet on boundary layer and turbulent models around airfoils"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Shojaee Fard Shojaee Fard, Alireza Pirnia, Mohammad Ali Fallahian
    HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Vol. 6, No 48, pp.1057-1070, 2012
  72. "Numerical study of the effects of some geometric characteristics of a centrifugal pump impeller that pumps a viscous fluid"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Mojtaba Tahani, Mirbuik Ehghaghi, Mohammad Ali Fallahian, Mehdi Beglari
    COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, Vol. 60, No 60, pp.61-70, 2012
  73. "CFD modeling and multi-objective optimization of compact heat exchanger using CAN method"
    Hasan Haj Abdollahi, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 31, pp.2597-2604, 2011
  74. "Investigation Effect of Type and Diameter of Volute on the Efficiency of Centrifugal Reverse Pump at Different Operating Conditions"
    Mojtaba Tahani, سلمان صارمیان, Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi, Younes Noorollahi, Roshanak Fahimi
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering University of Tabriz, Vol. 49, No 3, pp.229-238, 2019
  75. "Investigation of Aerodynamic and Heat Transfer Performance of Cylinders Using Plasma Actuators"
    Mojtaba Tahani, مصطفی کاظمی, Zahra Babaee
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 19, No 9, 2019
  76. "Effect of extended nozzles on reducing drag of blunt body with counterflow jet injection in supersonic turbulent flow"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Hojaji, Arash Dartoomian, Mohammad Salehifar
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 18, No 3, pp.259-270, 2018
  77. "Investigation effect of changes geometry of impeller on turbine mode performance of the centrifugal pump at the governing condition of the urban water distribution network"
    Mojtaba Tahani, سلمان صارمیان
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 18, No 1, pp.11-19, 2018
  78. "Investigation of ducted wind turbine using potential flow method"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Vahid Esfahanian, Mohammad Fereidun Nejad
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 17, No 10, pp.350-358, 2017
  79. "CFD sensitivity studies in aerodynamic coefficients estimation for a Lambda wing"
    Mehdi Dadkhah, Mohammad Ali Vaziri, Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani
    Journal of Defense Science and Technology, Vol. 1, No 1, 2017
  80. "Development of implicit Algorithm for High-order discontinuous Galerkin methods to solve compressible flows using Newton-Krylov methods"
    Vahid Badrkhani, Amir Nejat, Mojtaba Tahani
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 17, No 3, pp.282-291, 2017
  81. "Numerical analysis of attack angle effects on 3D supersonic turbulent flow around blunt body along with opposite jet injection"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Hojaji, Arash Dartoomian, Mohammad Salehifar
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 17, No 3, pp.355-366, 2017
  82. "Investigation of the Performance Characteristics of the Steam Jet Ejectors with Various Expansion Ratios"
    Mohsen Kazemi, Mojtaba Tahani, Sasan Davoodi
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 16, No 6, pp.237-244, 2016
  83. "Thermodynamic Simulation of Ejector-Expansion Refrigerator Cooler"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Saeed Shamsodini, Saeed Farahat, Ali Rabbani
    Journal of solid and fluid mechanis, Vol. 6, No 1, 2015
  84. "Numerical investigation of sonic jet injection effects on flow field structure and thrust vector control performance in a supersonic nozzle"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Hojaji, Mohammad Salehifar, Arash Dartoomian
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 15, No 8, 2015
  85. "Numerical investigation of geometry variation effects on the aerodynamic characteristics and static stability of Wing In Ground Effect"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ali Bargestan, Mohammad Hossein Sabour
    Journal of solid and fluid mechanis, Vol. 4, No 2, 2014
  86. "Multi-objective optimization of centrifugal oil pump impeller"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, ابوالفضل خلخالی, Mojtaba Tahani, Behzad Salimiyan
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 13, No 11, pp.139-149, 2013
  87. "Multi objective optimization of heat pipe thermal performance while using aluminium oxide nanofluid"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, ابوالفضل خلخالی, Javad Zare, Mojtaba Tahani
    Mechanical Engineering modares, Vol. 13, No 12, 2013
  88. "Investigation and comparison of the effect of different nanofluids on heat pipe thermal performance"
    Mohammad Hasan Shojaeefard, Javad Zare, Mojtaba Tahani
    Journal of solid and fluid mechanis, Vol. 3, No 3, 2013
  89. "Numerical and experimental investigation of impeller geometry effect on the centrifugal pump performance during oil pumping"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Mojtaba Tahani, Mirbuik Ehghaghi, Mehdi Beglari, مرتضی فلاح, Behzad Salimiyan
    Journal of Mechanical Engineering University of Tabriz, Vol. 42, No 1, 2012

Conference Paper

  1. "Power forecasting and parametric study of icing effects on horizontal axis wind turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Jiarong Hong, mohammadali fallahian, Amirhossein Hossein, faraz fotouhi, mahdieh panahi bakhsh, Shiva Rezaei
    International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICENVERE - 23), 2023
  2. "The effect of the water drop coefficient on the ice geometry formed on the cylinder"
    Mojtaba Tahani, faraz fotouhi, Shiva Rezaei, ghazal Esmaili
    International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICENVERE - 23), 2023
  3. "Design of Savonius wind turbine with discharge flow directing capability; Part B: Parametric Analysis Approach using AHP"
    Mojtaba Tahani, ali rabbani, Hjklkl Hgff, Saeede Mirmahdian, mohammad ali bakhtiarian
    8th Iran Wind Energy Conference, 2022
  4. "Analysis of Wake Flow Structure around the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines under Ground Effects"
    Mojtaba Tahani, mahsa gholami, Hjklkl Hgff, Shiva Rezaei
    8th Iran Wind Energy Conference, 2022
  5. "Energy Assessment and Design of Wind-Solar Hybrid System as a Green Land Element in Yazd City"
    Mojtaba Tahani, [] [], mohammad ali bakhtiarian, Saeede Mirmahdian, Hjklkl Hgff
    8th Iran Wind Energy Conference, 2022
  6. "Numerical Simulation of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Performance Using Sliding Mesh Method"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Amirhossein Hossein, Saeid Heidarian, AMIN JAVANMARD, Amir Mohammad Mohammadi, SHIVA REZAEI, Mojtaba Mirhosseini, علیرضا صادقی, Seyed Alireza Rasouli, Mohammad Saeed Kashef, Amir Jalali
    8th International Wind Energy Conference, 2022
  7. "Energy Management and Optimization of Solar-Vapor Compression Desiccant Wheel Cooling System"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Foroogh Mohandses Pour, Saeedeh Mirmahdiyan
    The 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-11), 2019
  8. "Power Augmentation and Optimization of Gas Turbine performance by Inlet Fogging and Wet Compression Analysis Algorithm"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, Hamidreza Eivazi, Mirhamed Salehi
    The 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-11), 2019
  9. "Investigating the effect of the type and diameter of volute on the efficiency of centrifugal reverse pump at different operating conditions"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi, Roshanak Fahimi, Miyagawa Kazuyoshi, Majid Najafpour, سلمان صارمیان
    29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2018
  10. "Optimization of Marine Current Turbines, Using Meta Heuristic Algorithms, 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Roshanak Fahimi, Kazuyoshi Miyagawa, Sima Adimi, S Adimi3
    29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2018
  11. "Characteristics and Internal Flow of a Low Specific Speed Pump used as a Turbine"
    Zhl Liu, T Yukawa, Kazuyoshi Miyagawa, Roshanak Fahimi, Mojtaba Tahani
    29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2018
  12. "Investigation on Vapor Compression Cooling System Design Parameters and performance"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Foroogh Mohandses Pour, Narek Babayan
    10th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, 2018
  13. "Investigation on Hydro turbines performance in The Small Hydro Power Plants"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Foroogh Mohandses Pour
    10th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, 2018
  14. "Design and Analysis of a Diffuser Augment Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Javad Ziabakhsh Ganji
    6th International conference on research in engineering, 2017
  15. "Analysis of Ducted Wind Turbine using Surface Vorticity Method"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Fereidun Nejad, Vahid Esfahanian
    3rd international conference of IEA, 2017
  16. "Performance Evaluation of the Solar Desiccant wheel Cooling System, Case Study: Iran"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Foroogh Mohandses Pour, Narek Babayan, Mohammad Ali Fallahian, Morteza Tahani
    9th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, 2017
  17. "Metaheuristic Technique for Section Selection across the Horizontal Axis Turbines"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Kasuyoshi Miyagawa, Narek Babayan, Roshanak Fahimi, Foroogh Mohandses Pour
    9th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, 2017
  18. "Desiccant Wheel Design by Using Metaheuristic Approach"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Foroogh Mohandses Pour, Narek Babayan, Sadegh Tavakoli Bina, Saeedeh Mirmahdiyan
    9th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, 2017
  19. "Performance Investigation of Different Desiccant Cooling Cycles"
    Mojtaba Tahani, سعید امانی , Arash Ghalami, Narek Babayan, Foroogh Mohandses Pour
    11th International Energy Conference, 2016
  20. "Identification of the most suitable desiccant cooling cycle for Iran"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Foroogh Mohandses Pour
    8th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES8-2016), 2016
  21. "Horizontal Axis Tidal Current Turbines Analysis and Optimization Tools"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Fatemeh Razi Astaraei, Narek Babayan, Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi, Roshanak Fahimi
    Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES8-2016), 2016
  22. "Design Optimization of Marine Current Turbines Using Krill Herd Algorithm"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan
    8th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES8-2016), 2016
  23. "Effect of blade inlet angle on the performance of oil centrifugal pump"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Vahid Pourheidari
    24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2016), 2016
  24. "Numerical study of incompressible viscous and turbulent flow through the centrifugal pump"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Vahid Pourheidari
    3rd National and First International Conference in applied research on Electrical, 2016
  25. "Effect of blade trailing edge profile on performance of the centrifugal pump that conveys oil"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Vahid Pourheidari
    3rd National and First International Conference in applied research on Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2016
  26. "Increasing the Produced Power of Building Mounted Wind Turbines by Optimization of Roof Geometry and Utilization of Solar Panels"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Arman Pouaee, Hjklkl Hgff, Ahmad Sedaghat
    2015 International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART), 2015
  27. "Vibrational Simulation of Offshore Floating Wind Turbine and its Directional Movement Control by Fuzzy Logic"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Emad Ziaei, Ahmad Hajinezhad, Hjklkl Hgff, Ahmad Sedaghat
    International Conference on Sustainable Mobility. Applications, Renewables and Technology. (SMART2015), 2015
  28. "Multi Objective optimization of standalone PV/Battery and Pv/Wind/Battery system for a building in Tehran"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Arman Pouaee, Roshanak Fahimi
    2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Solar Energy (ICESE)2015, 2015
  29. "Study of Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Transonic Flowfield around an Airfoil under Pitching Motion"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehran Masdari, Mohamad Reza Eivazi, Masoud Tatar
    2nd International Conference on Electrical, Mechanical, Computer and Mechatronics Engineering-ICE2015, 2015
  30. "Aerodynamic and Energy Analysis of an Industrial Wind Turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Moradi
    7 International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES7-2015), 2015
  31. "The effect of air with supplementary oxygen on power and fuel consumption of spark-ignition engine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi, Keyvan Keramati
    7th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, 2015
  32. "3D Numerical Investigation of Ignition Timing Effects on the SI Engine exergy"
    Mohammad Hassan Shojaefard, Keyvan Keramati, Mojtaba Tahani, Alireza Veissi
    7 International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES7-2015), 2015
  33. "Aerodynamic Investigation of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Using CFD and Modified BEM Methods"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Moradi
    7th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES7-2015), 2015
  34. "Exergy Analysis of a Hybrid System Including a Solar Panel, Fuel Cell and Absorption Chiller"
    Pouria Ahmadi, Mojtaba Tahani, Noushin Enadi, Keyvan Keramati
    7th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, 2015
  35. "Energy auditing and feasibility study of utilization the optimized solar energy converters, Case Study: A building in Tehran"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Orbel Barkhordarian, Eric Matevosian, Minehli Petrosian, Derick Geregorgian
    4ed Conference on Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation, 2015
  36. "Numerical Investigation of Airflow around a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Moradi
    13th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE-2014), 2014
  37. "Vibration Investigation of cylindrical shell reinforced by carbon nanotubes on an elastic foundation"
    M.mehdi Najafizadeh, Saeedeh Mirmahdiyan, Mohammad Hossein Sabour, Mojtaba Tahani
    4th International Conference on Nanotechnology, 2013
  38. "Drag reduction in hypersonic flows with aerospike and aerodisk Technology"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Sadegh Karimi, Mohammadjavad Khodaee, Mohammad Nankali
    21st Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2013, 2013
  39. "Numerical Study on Mixed Convection in an Enclosure Filled with Nanofluid"
    Mohammad Hossein Sabour, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Mehdi Ghasemi, Mohammad Hasan Shojaee Fard
    3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, 2012
  40. "Numerical investigation on the aerodynamics characteristics of a WIG craft airfoil with different turbulence models"
    Mohammad Hossein Roozbahani, محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Mojtaba Tahani
    AERO2011, 2011
  41. "Impeller Geometry Effects on Performance of Centrifugal Pump for Handling Viscous Fluids"
    Mojtaba Tahani, محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Hadi Fallah, Mehdi Beglari
    19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 2011
  42. "Waste Heat Recovery from an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Using Two-Stage Organic Rankine Cycle"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mojtaba Biglari, سعید جوان , Shiva Sabouri
    19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 2011
  43. "Numerical Study of Methane-Air Mixture Combustion in a Burner"
    Mojtaba Tahani, محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Parviz Asadollahzade
    19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 2011
  44. "Development of the experimental equation for the centrifugal pump efficiency reduction when handling viscous fluid"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Mojtaba Tahani, Hadi Fallah, Mehdi Beglari
    19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 2011
  45. "Numerical solution turbulent flow over backward facing step - the effects of step height, duct angle"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Sadegh Abednejad
    19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2011, 2011
  46. "Simulation and technical comparison of different wind turbine power control systems"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Saeedeh Mirmahdiyan, Samira Memarian, Iman Rahbari
    World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 – Sweden, 2011
  47. "Design of Darrius vertical axis wind turbine airfoil at low flow speeds using dual multiple flow tube model"
    [] [], Mojtaba Tahani, امین جوانمرد
    the 9th international conference on knowledge and technology of Mechanical, Electrical, and Computer of Iran, 2024
  48. "Positioning of Electro Heating Elements Effects on the Heat Distribution Map on Iced Cylinder"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Seyyed Amir Mahdi Mirhosseini, sajjad sadeghi moghaddam
    22nd Iran International Aerospace Conference-AERO2024, 2024
  49. "Investigating the performance of permanent magnet generators and charge controller amplification coefficients in different rpms"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mehdi Rasooli, سعید حیدریان, [] []
    8th Iran Wind Energy Conference, 2022
  50. "Optimization of Installation Location of Auxiliary blades in Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Reza Nickkhah, Hjklkl Hgff, Mohammad Hosein Jafarzadeh
    IWEC2021, 2021
  51. "Aerodynamic Performance Enhancement of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine by studying on Parametric analysis of Biplane Effects"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Hjklkl Hgff, Mohammad Hosein Jafarzadeh, Reza Nickkhah
    IWEC2021, 2021
  52. "Optimization of selection and evaluation of inverse pump performance for pressure regulation and power generation in water distribution network"
    Ali Kandi, مهدی مقیمی , Mojtaba Tahani
    Second National Conference on Water Management with a Waste Reduction and Recovery Approach, 2019
  53. "Investigation of the Sonius Wind Turbine Wake by Dynamic Mode Decomposition"
    Mohamad Hossein Naderi, Mojtaba Tahani, Vahid Esfahanian
    FDC2019, 2019
  54. "simulation and thermodynamic analysis of double effect litum boromide-water absobtion cooling system"
    Pedram Pourmonshi, Mojtaba Tahani, Armen Adamian
    Internationall conference on new research in engineering & technology, 2018
  55. "Investigation of Absorption-Evaporation Combined Combined Cycle to Reduce the Heat Capacity of Generator and Pump Consumption Energy"
    Masoud Kazemi, Mojtaba Tahani, محمد افتخاری یزدی
    Second Conference on Knowledge and Technology of Electrical Engineering, Computer and Mechanics of Iran, 2018
  56. "Thermodynamic modeling of absorption-recirculation combinational cycle"
    Masoud Kazemi, Mojtaba Tahani, محمد افتخاری یزدی
    3rd.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering, 2017
  57. "Thermodynamic analysis of single-absorption refrigeration cycle of lithium bromide-water"
    Pedram Pourmonshi, Mojtaba Tahani, Armen Adamian
    56th international conference on sciences, engineering and technology innovations, 2017
  58. "Factors affect the coefficient of performance in Absorption- Ejector Hybrid Refrigeration Cycle"
    Masoud Kazemi, Mojtaba Tahani, محمد افتخاری یزدی
    The First International Conference on New Achievements in Science and Engineering, 2017
  59. "thermodynamic analysis of double-effect solar absorption cooling system"
    Pedram Pourmonshi, Mojtaba Tahani, Armen Adamian
    International Conference on knowledge and innovation in engineering, scince and technology, 2017
  60. "Green Defense: Application of renewable energies in water storage tanks"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Roshanak Fahimi, Soheila Khosrojerdi, Soheil Roumi
    International Conference on Green Technology and Energy, 2017
  61. "Aerodynamic Performance investigation of Horixontal Axis Wind Turbine using lifting line theory"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mahsa Gholami, Mojtaba Mirhoseini, Mehran Masdari
    16 th international conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2017
  62. "Aerodynamic analysis operation of the compressor with intermediate cooling"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Nazanin Ahmadi, Mirhamed Salehi
    Aero2017, 2017
  63. "Aerodynamic Design of Horixontal Axis Wind Turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ghazaleh Kavari, Seyed Mojtaba Mirhoseini, Mehran Masdari, Hosein Soltanieh
    16 th international conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2017
  64. "Construction and analysis of solar windward hybrid power generation system as a natural air conditioner"
    Ehsan Nouri, Mojtaba Tahani, محمد افتخاری یزدی
    The first national conference on sustainable green city, 2017
  65. "Reverse pump design for use in water supply networks to generate power and reduce pressure"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Roshanak Fahimi, Hossein Yousefi Sahzabi, Younes Noorollahi
    Congress of Iranian Water and Wastewater Science and Engineering, 2017
  66. "Performance prediction and modeling methods of indirect evaporative cooling and feasibility in Iran"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Amir Doodabinezhad, Hamed Kameli, Narek Babayan, Foroogh Mohandses Pour
    The third national conference on power industry and academia, 2016
  67. "Comparison of heat exchanger and heat wheel performance based desiccant evaporative cooling system"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Farhad Yousef Tabrizi, Narek Babayan, سعید امانی , Arash Ghalami
    3rd national conference on power industry and academia, 2016
  68. "Numerical modeling and parametric analysis of barriers vortex effect on convective heat transfer in a heat exchanger"
    محمد افتخاری یزدی , Mojtaba Tahani, Hamidreza Rahmani
    3rd National and First International Conference in applied research on Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2016., 2016
  69. "Numerical study of fluid flow and heat transfer of aluminum / aluminum nanofluids into parallel plates using barrier generators of vortex"
    محمد افتخاری یزدی , Mojtaba Tahani, Hamidreza Rahmani
    First International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering, 2016
  70. "Numerical study of the effect of angle and shape of vortex generator barriers on heat transfer displacement and loss of fluid pressure of water inside parallel plates"
    محمد افتخاری یزدی , Mojtaba Tahani, Hamidreza Rahmani
    First International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering, 2016
  71. "58/5000 Numerical investigation of the influence of mechanical barrier on the thrust vector control performance"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Salehifar, نیلوفر رفیعی, Mohamad Hojaji
    Aero2016, 2016
  72. "The impact of high turbulence on the aerodynamic performance of the turbine section"
    Joseph Binabaji, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohamad Ahmady
    Aero2016, 2016
  73. "Different methods for solving Euler equations on the transition density based and supersonic flow"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Salehifar, Arash Dartoomian, نیلوفر رفیعی, Mohamad Hojaji
    Aero2016, 2016
  74. "Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Modeling Savynvsy output current drive capability of utilizing green building"
    Ali Rabbani, Mojtaba Tahani, Alibakhsh Kasaeian, Mehdi Mehrpooya
    Fifth International Conference on innovative approach in the Energy Conservation, 2016
  75. "Numerical optimization of heat transfer of three-dimensional displacement of water fluid using barriers creating hexagonal and triangular vortices"
    محمد افتخاری یزدی , Mojtaba Tahani, Hamidreza Rahmani
    Third National Conference and First International Conference on Applied Research in Electrical Engineering, Mechanics and Mechatronics, 2016
  76. "Turbulence models compairing with numerical study of a wind turbine blade airfoil"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Iman Gholami, Mohammad Ehyaee
    Conference in Modern advance in the energy sector, 2015
  77. "Investigation of centrifugal pump impeller corrected geometry to improve energy consumption"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Farhad Nadjafi, Sepehr Govara, Majid Najafpour
    International Conference on IEA, 2015
  78. "Turbulent flow structure analysis of turbine blade film cooling by proper orthogonal decomposition model"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Vahid Mahmoodi Joze, Vahid Esfahanian, Mohammad Jadidi
    16th Fluid Dynamic confrence, 2015
  79. "Numerical investigation of Sonic Jet Injection effects from blunt nose on the turbulence supersonic flow"
    Mohamad Hojaji, Mojtaba Tahani, Arash Dartoomian, Mohammad Salehifar
    ISME2015, 2015
  80. "Investigation of Secondary fluid injection thrust vector control efficiency on the supersonic nozzle"
    Mohamad Hojaji, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Salehifar, Arash Dartoomian
    ISME2015, 2015
  81. "Numerical study of the effect of orientation along the nose of the injector nozzle jet anti-sound on the supersonic flow"
    Mohamad Hojaji, Mojtaba Tahani, Arash Dartoomian, Mohammad Salehifar
    ISME2015, 2015
  82. "The effect of time step of implicit algorithms for higher-order discrete Galerkin method"
    Vahid Badrkhani, Amir Nejat, Mojtaba Tahani
    Aero2015, 2015
  83. "Numerical modeling and parametric study of factors affecting a projectile aerodynamic coefficients a canard control"
    Mehran Masdari, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Kazemi, Abas Sadri
    Aero2015, 2015
  84. "Optimization and calculation analysis of the separation of the boundary layer on the blade impeller centrifugal pumps to delay separation of the boundary layer and increase pump efficiency"
    Abolfazl Amiri, Mojtaba Tahani
    ETEC2015, 2015
  85. "Comparision of Euler equation and Turbulence...."
    محمد حججی, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Salehifar, Arash Dartoomian
    IRANAPA2014, 2014
  86. "Numerical simulation of second jet injection for trust vector control"
    محمد حججی, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Salehifar, Arash Dartoomian
    RANAPA2014, 2014
  87. "Numerical simulation of jet injection tip of the nose flattened to reduce drag during the compressible Euler"
    Arash Dartoomian, Mohammad Salehifar, محمد حججی, Mojtaba Tahani
    ISMESTU2014, 2014
  88. "Comparative analysis of two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow in a supersonic nozzle with hot gas injection thrust vector control"
    Mohammad Salehifar, Arash Dartoomian, محمد حججی, Mojtaba Tahani
    ISMESTU2014, 2014
  89. "vibrational Simulation of offshore floating wind turbine"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Emad Ziaei, Pouria Servati
    National conference on energy consuption optimization, 2014
  90. "increasing of hous wind turbine powers..."
    Mojtaba Tahani, Narek Babayan, Arman Pouaee, Mohsen Moradi
    National conference on energy consuption optimization, 2014
  91. "Gas turbine peromotion under the effect of evaporative cooling performance cycle gas compressor and gas turbine blade cooling"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Maryam Mirnaghi
    National conference on energy consuption optimization, 2014
  92. "Aerodynamic investigation High-Speed train for estimation the Drag force"
    Hooman Salavati, کیوان کرامتی, Mojtaba Tahani
    The 1st National Conference on High-Speed Railway in Iran, 2014
  93. "Numerical investigation of winglet effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of WIG"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ali Bargestan, Mohammad Hossein Sabour, Ali Gholami
    13th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2014
  94. "numerical investigation of winglet effects on the aerodynamic performance of wing in ground effect"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Ali Bargestan, Mohammad Hossein Sabour, Ali Gholami
    13th aerospace conference, 2014
  95. "Numerical simulation of Influence of Forward-Facing Cavity on Aerodynamic Heating of Hypersonic Velocity"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Arash Dartoomian, Mohammad Salehifar
    National conference on Mechanical Engineering of Iran, 2014
  96. "An inducer design algorithm and numerical investigation of a sample design with and without cavitation"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Hossein Akbarshahi, Mojtaba Tahani, Shahed Malekipoor
    5th conference on rotating equpment in oil & power industries, 2014
  97. "Investigation of ejector-solar refrigeration cycle"
    Saeed Shamsodini, Saeed Farahat, Mojtaba Tahani
    2nd conference of new and clean energy, 2013
  98. "Numerical study of three-dimensional flow field behind the flame holder - Guthrie with sinusoidal edge"
    Mehdi Soleimani, Mohammadsadegh Karimi, Iman Atai, Abbas Ebrahimi, Mojtaba Tahani
    Second National Conference on Gas Turbines, 2013
  99. "Centrifugal oil pump hydraulic efficiency calculated using waste analysis methods and empirical test"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Behzad Salimiyan, Mojtaba Tahani
    20st Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2013
  100. "Evaluation of various turbulence models for numerical solution of flow around floating wing surface effect"
    Mohammad Hossein Sabour, Ali Bargestan, Mojtaba Tahani
    The 7th Students Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2013
  101. "Numerical Study of the vortices induced by the injection of supersonic flat-screen Jet Stream Approach for Large Eddy Simulation turbulence"
    Asghar Noor Mohammadi, Mohammad Hojaji, Mojtaba Tahani, Mohammad Hossein Sabour
    Twelfth Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2013
  102. "Hydrvfvyl Ayndyvsr and numerical analysis in case of cavitation Ghyrkavytasyvny"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Hossein Akbarshahi, Mojtaba Tahani
    Second National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2012
  103. "Effects of cavitation on the edge Hydrvfvyl Ayndyvsr dimensional time-independent mode"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Hossein Akbarshahi, Mojtaba Tahani
    Second National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2012
  104. "A new method for increasing the efficiency and reducing environmental pollution gas cycle"
    Mojtaba Tahani, Mohsen Ghazi, Motahare Khatami
    Eighth National Conference on Energy, 2012
  105. "Design and numerical analysis of flow in the inlet air duct above the maximum sound pressure recovery"
    Reza Taghavi Zanooz, Mahmood Asgari Savadjani, Mojtaba Tahani
    The 10th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO2011), 2011
  106. "Torbopump induser design and evaluation of geometric parameters that affect its performance and hydraulic"
    Mohammad Hassan Shijaeefard, Hossein Akbarshahi, Mojtaba Tahani
    The 10th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO2011), 2011
  107. "Numerical simulation, design and optimization techniques in the case of radial turbulence"
    محمدحسن شجاعی فرد, Mojtaba Tahani, Gholamreza Hossinpoor, Mohammad Mehdi Ghanei
    The First Regional Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 2011